enfant africain portant un plant

9 months of Youth Conservation online and in the field!

The environmental education platform has already been online for 9 months, with very encouraging results and feedback from the field!

More than 8,000 people have visited the platform and followed our modules. These are parents, teachers and trainers from the following countries in particular: Democratic Republic of Congo, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Benin, Senegal, Congo-Brazzaville, Madagascar, Côte d’Ivoire, France and Togo.

There’s also a real buzz on social networks. Our FB page and IG account have more and more followers: 600 and 300 people respectively follow our news on a daily basis, and are showing their interest by constantly increasing their engagement. LinkedIn is the most successful platform, with over 4,000 followers and a high rate of engagement. Highlighting the awareness-raising activities carried out by our partners in the field is greatly appreciated, as is the sharing of additional resources to help people improve their skills.

A positive impact on the ground

Youth Conservation is more than just an online platform; it’s also a network of committed volunteer partners who use Youth Conservation’s resources in the field to carry out their mission of educating people about nature conservation. Our greatest reward (and the justification for our mission!) is the visual feedback we get from the nature conservation and awareness-raising activities set up in villages and towns with and by children. Their concentration in front of the posters, their smiles as they discover the wealth of biodiversity around them, their pride in having succeeded in growing a plant are all proof that we are on the right track and that we must continue. Because all these (small) projects and actions today are so many seeds sown to ensure a better future for the planet and therefore for humanity.

Unfortunately, we can’t mention them all here, but we would like to thank our partners who are working alongside us in the field to educate people about nature conservation:

Gorilla Ambassadors Burkina Djigui Let’s Do It Madagascar TEERRAAFRICA
ONG Mama Afrika (Bénin) GYBN Africa Association tiipaalga GYBN Senegal 🇸🇳🦁🌱🐬 NEBEDAY African Wildlife Foundation ONG Nature Plurielle (Bénin) ONG 0 déchets Sénégal Jeunes Voix du Sahel/Tchad @ONG Education Environnement et Développement Durable (Guinée) ONG Luciole Réseau Africain pour la Promotion de l’Education à l’Environnement_RAPEE ONG Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement @ONG LYREC INADES NGO, NGO African environmental network of Cameroon

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