renewed hope for the future RDC

Testimonial from the NGO Renewed Hope for the Future (DRC)

An environmental and peace education program for youth in DRC

Discover the inspiring testimony from the national coordinator, Sylvain Moise Bumba:

Saturday June 22, 2024, we led training on how to conduct an environmental and peace education program for young members of the Solidarité Juridique organization.

This activity launches the start of our consortium engagement in the execution of this program in Bukuvu. These will be RHF, Youth For Peace DRC and legal solidarity.

During this session, we identified the needs and challenges related to environmental education and the promotion of peace in our environment.

▶️ On the environmental education side we addressed the points and responded to the problem on:

1- How to carry out an environmental education program?
2- Activities and tools in environmental education: towards the discovery of the Youth environmental education training platform
conservation and use of resources and tools available on the platform.
3- Implementation of the environmental education program and use of communication tools.

▶️ On the side of peace education
We shared on the issue of popularizing Resolution 2250 which recognizes the important role that youth play in matters of peace and security throughout the world and other pillars of conflict resolution.

We discussed the importance of raising awareness about the environment and peace among young people, and the different educational approaches and communication methods that can be used to achieve this goal. We also covered the practical aspects of managing a project, such as budgeting, monitoring and evaluation. Emphasizing the importance of collaboration and communication with stakeholders, including young participants, local authorities and civil society organizations, to ensure the success of the program.

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