tuteur arsène deguenon bénin

Testimonial from our volunteer mentor in Benin – Reforestation

Reforestation activity in the primary school of savalou (Benin)

Discover the inspiring testimony from our volunteer mentor in benin, arsene Deguenon:

Spotlight on the reforestation activity set up by our volunteer tutor, Arsène Deguenon and the NGO GRAD Benin on Wednesday June 19:

162 Gmelina plants were planted at the Kpakpassa public primary school in the commune of Savalou in Benin 

The reforestation activity began with an awareness session for students on the importance of trees, the role of forests and especially the consequences linked to excessive tree cutting.

This activity was also made possible by the mobilization and active involvement of the students and teachers of this school without whom this activity could not have been carried out.

Youth Conservation’s documentary resources were used to facilitate the awareness session.

Congratulations to the children, to all the volunteers involved and especially congratulations to our volunteer tutor, Arsène Deguenon for this successful implementation.
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