ONG béninoise Youth Leaders et club Nature

Testimonial from the NGO Youth Leaders (Benin)

The ECO CLUB programme was launched on Thursday 05 May 2022. It was in an atmosphere of joy and conviviality that the team launched the project alongside its partners, including Terre à Terre Bénin and Internationale Youth Fellowship. The ECO CLUB programme, which aims to strengthen citizen participation in protecting and improving the living environment of 1,000 pupils in 05 schools in Abomey Calavi, was launched in a joyful and friendly atmosphere. Class leaders from the Tankpè and Godomey secondary schools were given an awareness-raising and training session on environmental protection. Thanks to the intervention of the president of the association, Mr Rock HEDAGBE, the participants understood the usefulness of environmental protection. They are now equipped to fight for this cause. To be more courageous, learners need to develop adequate skills in connection/exchange, in-depth reflection and self-control, a training module presented by mindset change specialist Mr Gyslain OGOUDEDJI. Alongside a dynamic team including project coordinator Murielle AKPOVO, Charles GBANTEHOU and Mardochée AGOSSOU, the leaders were able to change the pupils’ poor perception of their environment. It’s up to them to take care of it and enjoy it full-time.

Watch the video on Youtube (French only) 👇👇👇

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