rôbatôlô togo poubelles connectées

Connected bins in togo for better waster management!

Bras Ouverts Luna, through its Rôbatôlô project, is working towards better plastic waste management.

Bras Ouverts Luna, through its Rôbatôlô project, is working towards better plastic waste management. Here is the story of Aymane Gbadamassi, the co-founder and a passionate social entrepreneur.

How to Use Technical Progress to Improve Collection and Enhance Plastic Waste Recovery

“In Africa, particularly in Togo, about 900 tons of plastic waste are generated in schools, but less than 1% is recycled. Our initiative, Rôbalôtô, awarded by GIZ, Togo Digital Agency, and ranked in the top 3 of the best digital innovations in Togo, represents a major step forward in my quest for a cleaner future. I am leading the deployment of our solution to address this urgent issue of plastic waste management in schools across Africa.

We integrate sensors and applications into special bins to make them smart, aiming to efficiently collect data on plastic waste usage and optimize its management. Additionally, we transform the collected plastic waste into Rôbanou solar bags, equipped with photovoltaic films to enable children in villages without electricity to study.

To date, we have impacted more than 20 schools. We have managed to remove and process over 100 tons of plastic waste, with a recycling rate exceeding 68%. We have a waste treatment center and are currently developing a citizenship manual for students. We are supported by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education to expand our program nationwide.

I am available to discuss collaborations, projects, or simply to exchange ideas. Contact me: gbadamassiaymane@gmail.com | +22891582404.”

Rôbatôlô is thus the initiative that turns plastic waste into educational and ecological opportunities!

Aymane Gbadamassi is a Togolese entrepreneur known for his initiatives in waste management and environmental awareness. He is the coordinator of the NGO Rôbalôtô. He launched the Month of Eco-Citizenship (MEC), a program that introduces smart bins in schools to improve plastic waste management and educate students about environmental sustainability (Vert Togo). In addition, he created Sprofilm, a structure for promoting films, and Yeye Tech, an online press platform (Togo First). His efforts aim to bring innovative solutions to environmental challenges in Togo.

Project Rôbatôlô website: https://www.eco-citoyennete.org / Facebook Page

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